Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

Several years ago I certified in alternative healing techniques and I really began to believe that there was a goal of health I could achieve. That if I did things right I would become healthy and never deal with illness again. It was a pretty lofty goal, and it may actually be possible, but one day it clicked for me. I was trying so hard to be healthy I was no longer enjoying my life. I had become obsessed with my goal and could no longer relate to why the goal was important to me. I was trying to survive the storm, rather than appreciate the rain.

I doubt I'll ever finish all my work, figure it all out, find the perfect balance, or any of these other well intentioned, somewhat intense goals. Days like today, when I start to get a little overwhelmed by the pile on my plate, I realize it doesn't matter. Because I do know how to dance in the rain. I can enjoy each moment, and really find that fulfilling piece of each day.

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