Sunday, May 18, 2008

You ARE being watched!

OK, not to sound too "conspiracy theory" here but I just saw my own car online. MY car. Parked in MY driveway. While getting ready for my week I googled an address for a meeting that I am going to tomorrow and noticed that there is a picture that I could click on to actually see the building I am going to. It was not a distorted satellite image, it was a 3D Photo of the house that allowed me to rotate the view, zoom in, and move up and down the street.

Being the curious fellow that I am, I put in my own address and sure enough, up comes a photo tour of my cul-de-sac. Complete with my house, cars in the driveway, etc. Now I know this is not real-time photos, you can't go on Google and see if I'm mowing the lawn, but that doesn't seem like it is too many steps away from this. Kinda creepy. Although I have to say it really will make finding difficult places more convenient. For instance I can SHOW you my favorite coffee shop in Boulder to work at during the day. See for yourself then come by and say hi sometime. We'll do lunch. :)

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